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Learn our Pillars of IT Automation
If you want our free guide to the secret sauce of Bubbles, download below
Cut Your Cloud Costs by up to 90% with our Bubbles Hosted Private Cloud
We utilize one of the world's biggest Dedicated Bare Metal Server providers with over 37 connected data centers across the world.
The Bubbles Orchestration Software System is the platform that sits atop this infrastructure and turns it into a simple and high-performing
Hosted Private Cloud.

Considering Migrating Back On-Premise?
Consider a Private Cloud!
Unlike the complexity of OpenStack, the Bubbles Orchestration Software System easily turns your infrastructure into a Private Cloud Platform.
​Reduce On-Premise Operational costs by 20%
Are you looking to Scale?
And therefore, looking to Hire?
The Bubbles Orchestration Software System alleviates the workload of your IT Systems Admins and DevOps Engineers.

Bubbles Technology Fusion

Identity Manager


CI/CD Platform

Logging Service

Monitoring Service
Be DevOps-Ready in No Time
Our DevOps orchestration platform instantly gives you the ability to spin up and tear down environments on-demand.
“Its like Docker except its easier, because I don't have to bother with Storage or Networking”
Di Wu - Vancouver, Canada

Improve Operational Efficiency
A DevOps and IT Automation workflow can take months to achieve and will require human resources to build it. With Bubbles, the work is already done for you.
“What would have taken me 5 weeks to do, I accomplished in 5 hours with Bubbles”
Rana Dhaliwal - Vancouver, Canada
Self-Service Provisioning
Development teams no longer need to wait for the IT and DevOps teams. The self-service portal delivers environments with a single click while remaining compliant to your IT standards.
“Works well, very-very convenient. I used it to spin up some instances for some blockchain nodes. Every time I implement a new coin, I like it cause I can just spin up my own test server without asking IT”

Hayden Carlson - Vancouver, Canada
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Learn our Pillars of IT Automation
If you want our free guide to the secret sauce of Bubbles, download below
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